_     _ _  _             _     _ _
(_)   | | |(_)           (_)   | | |
 _____| | | _ ____   ____ _____| | | _____ ____   ____
|  _   _) || |  _ \ / _  |  _   _) |(____ |  _ \ / _  |
| |  \ \| || | | | ( (_| | |  \ \| |/ ___ | | | ( (_| |
|_|   \_)\_)_|_| |_|\___ |_|   \_)\_)_____|_| |_|\___ |
   Klangerzeugung  (_____|   Klangmodulation    (_____|

Synthesizers Effects DIY

Boehm Dynamic 12/24 - SYSEX Programming

to programm your boehm 12/24, you have upload the whole instrument configuration
at once.

The Sysex message to send will look like:

F0 00 42 6F 68 6D 05 02 00 01 45 01 11 00 00 00
03 00 00 00 02 07 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 08 00 00 04 00 04 00 01 53 00 0E 00 00 00
05 00 0E 07 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F7

This message contains all the informations needed
to program one instrument.

For debugging reason, i've created a file containing the hexadecimal value
in the first row and the description in the following (printed below) and
using a simple oneliner to generate a syx file using sfk on OSX
cat your_cool_instrument.txt |awk {'print $1'} > syxtmp.tmp && sfk filter syxtmp.tmp +hextobin your_cool_instrument.syx  && rm syxtmp.tmp
( http://sourceforge.net/projects/swissfileknife/files/1-swissfileknife/1.7.2/ )

you can also put the adjusted hex codes from the first row into a text to sysex converter.
( http://highlyliquid.com/hl2012/support/text-to-sysex-converter )
which is a bit more usable than the generic nerd tools.

To send the sysex my boehm, i'am using the sysex librarian tool.
( http://www.snoize.com/SysExLibrarian/ )

 /!\ Keep in mind, you have to set the values as HEX! /!\
 /!\ You will only be able to write changes to Bank 0! /!\


F0  start sysex
42  B
6F  O
68  H
6D  M
05  reprogram instrument
02  Instrument Number               0-99
00  GEN1: detune                    0-7
01  GEN1: harmonic                  0-15
45  GEN1: level                     0-99
01  GEN1: envelope scaling          0-3
01  GEN1: attack                    0-31
00  GEN1: decay                     0-31
00  GEN1: sustain                   0-31
00  GEN1: sustain level             0-15
03  GEN1: release 1                 0-15
00  GEN1: touch sensetivity         0-99
00  GEN1: vibrato depth             0-99
00  GEN1: scaling positive          0-99
02  GEN1: scaling negative          0-99
07  GEN1: feedback                  0-7
02  GEN1: release 2                 0-15
00  GEN2: detune                    0-7
00  GEN2: harmonic                  0-15
00  GEN2: level                     0-99
00  GEN2: envelope scaling          0-3
00  GEN2: attack                    0-31
00  GEN2: decay                     0-31
00  GEN2: sustain                   0-31
00  GEN2: sustain level             0-15
00  GEN2: release 1                 0-15
00  GEN2: touch sensitivity         0-99
08  GEN2: vibrato frequency         0-99
00  GEN2: scaling positive          0-99
00  GEN2: scaling negative          0-99
04  GEN2: connection diagram        0-7
00  GEN2: release 2                 0-15
04  GEN2: Options bit               0-7   0 = Monophone, 1 = glide, 2 = ensemble
00  GEN3: detune                    0-7
01  GEN3: harmonic                  0-15
53  GEN3: level                     0-99
00  GEN3: envelope scaling          0-9
0E  GEN3: attack                    0-31
00  GEN3: decay                     0-31
00  GEN3: sustain                   0-31
00  GEN3: sustain level             0-15
05  GEN3: release 1                 0-99
00  GEN3: touch sens                0-99
0E  GEN3: Vibrato delay time        0-99
07  GEN3: scaling positive          0-99
00  GEN3: scaling negative          0-99
02  GEN3: Octave                    0-7
04  GEN3: release 2                 0-15
00  GEN4: detune                    0-7
00  GEN4: harmonic                  0-15
00  GEN4: level                     0-99
00  GEN4: envelope scaling          0-3
00  GEN4: attack                    0-31
00  GEN4: decay                     0-31
00  GEN4: sustain                   0-31
00  GEN4: sustain level             0-15
00  GEN4: release 1                 0-15
00  GEN4: touch sens                0-99
00  GEN4: vibrato after touch       0-99
00  GEN4: scaling positive          0-99
00  GEN4: scaling negative          0-99
00  GEN4: 2nd generator detune      0-12
00  GEN4: release 2                 0-15